Enrolment for Students in Year 1 to 6
Enrolments may be taken throughout the school year. Families with children in Year 1-6 who wish to enrol their child are invited to make an appointment with the Principal.
Foundation Enrolment
Children are eligible for enrolment into Foundation if they turn five years of age by April 30 of the year in which they will start school. If you have a concern about your child's school readiness you might be well advised to keep your child home for another year. You may discuss this with the Principal and Foundation Teacher before you decide. It is advisable that children are five years old before starting school. St Mary’s is happy to accept non-Catholic children when their parents genuinely desire a Christian Education for them.
Foundation enrolment applications are normally advertised from May each year - advertisements are placed in local newspapers, School Newsletter, Parish Bulletins, Preschools and local Childcare Centres as well as school websites.
This year Open Week is from Monday May 13 to Friday May 17, 2024. Families are welcome to come along between 9.00am - 11.00am & 12.30pm - 1.30pm or at other times by arrangement - where they can visit classrooms and become familiar with the school. Our senior students will give guided tours.
Families are also invited to attend an Information Session in the St Mary’s Library on Tuesday May 14, 2024 at 10.00am. This is an excellent opportunity for families to meet and learn more about school life at St Mary’s Primary School.
Information outlining the times and dates of the Foundation Transition Program will be confirmed during Term 3 however preschool children enrolled to attend St Mary’s the following year are invited to participate in two transition mornings. These dates and times are to be confirmed.
An Application for Enrolment Form may be collected from the school by contacting the school office or downloading one from our website.
Applications for Foundation Enrolment for the 2025 school year should be received at the school office by Friday, May 31, 2024.
Successful applications will be confirmed in writing by the Principal. To complete the enrolment, a letter of acceptance must be signed and returned to the school office.
Orientation Day is on Tuesday December 10, 2024 where all children in our school participate in an orientation session. Each preschool child is partnered with a buddy from Year 5 during these transition days. This ensures the children feel safe and happy at school. This buddy system continues when they start school.
Mon-Fri 8:30am - 4:00pm
T: 03 5472 2270
E: admin@smcastlemaine.catholic.edu.au
Please book your personal enrolment tour by calling
(03) 54 722 270
© 2023 St Mary's School Castlemaine