
Our young people’s well-being is pivotal to their ability to engage with educational opportunities and increasingly we inform and work on our practice to support them to work through emotional challenges A happy, welcoming environment where students feel safe, accepted, valued and supported to succeed, also creates more optimum opportunity for children to thrive. 


Student wellbeing underpins their ability to flourish. We value being well informed and equipped to support student wellbeing in order for them to be empowered and well-adjusted young people. Our staff have been training in, “The Berry Street Education Model” (BSEM) which is a whole-school approach which enables all staff members to share strategies to meet the complex wellbeing and academic needs of students through a consistent whole-school approach.


The Berry Street Education Model focuses on actionable strategies through five developmentally-informed domains: 


BODY: Building school-wide rhythms and body-regulation through a focus on physical and emotional regulation of the stress response, de-escalation in school and classroom contexts, and mindfulness opportunities throughout the school day. 


RELATIONSHIP: Increasing relational capacities in staff and students through attachment and attunement principles with specific relationship strategies to engage young people 


STAMINA: Creating a strong culture of independence for academic tasks by nurturing resilience, emotional intelligence and a growth mindset 


ENGAGEMENT: Employing engagement strategies that build willingness in students 


CHARACTER: Harnessing a values and character strengths approach to enable successful student self-knowledge which leads to empowered future pathways 

© 2023 St Mary's School Castlemaine